Haus of Howell Return Policy
At Haus of Howell, your satisfaction is our top priority. If for any reason you're not completely happy with your purchase, we're here to help.
You may return any unused and unopened product within 30 days of your purchase for a full refund or exchange.
Products must be returned in their original packaging with all components intact.
We do not accept returns on opened, used, or partially used products due to hygiene reasons, unless the product is defective.
Defective or Damaged Products:
If you receive a damaged or defective product, please contact us within 7 days of receiving your order to arrange for a replacement or refund.
Return Process:
To start your return, email us at with your order number and reason for return.
Once approved, we will provide you with return shipping instructions.
Customers are responsible for return shipping costs unless the product is defective or damaged upon arrival.
Refunds will be processed within 5-7 business days after we receive the returned product in its original condition.
Original shipping fees are non-refundable.
If you wish to exchange a product, please follow the same return process. Once your return is processed, we will ship the exchanged item.
Final Sale Items:
Please note that items marked as “Final Sale” cannot be returned or exchanged.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our customer service team at
Best regards,
Haus of Howell